Grinding wheels
Supplied in three qualitative types
– OPTIMApower, OPTIMAprofi, OPTIMAflex.
Grinding wheels OPTIMApower
Ø 125 mm; 150 mm; dimension: 7,0mm
Efficient and powerful tool for professional use
Application: steel
Grinding wheels OPTIMAprofi
Ø 115 – 230mm; dimensions: 4,0mm-8,0mm
High performance, long service life
and excellent working results
Applications: stainless steel, steel, aluminium
The guaranteed element content of Fe, Cl, S <0.1%
Grinding wheels OPTIMAprofi - Xlock
Ø 125mm; dimension: 6,0mm
Revolutionary mounting XLOCK
Application: steel
Grinding wheels OPTIMAflex
Ø 115 – 230mm; dimension: 6,0mm
Product providing unbeatable price/performance ratio
Application: steel